Many of you have commented that it is too bad that TVia has to appear only in the cheap Main street type of bookstore, but that is the only sort of place. I can get them in. However, Argyle (subsidiary of Sherbourne Press who did the Wives book now have a respectable book to sell and will sell it to respect- able book stores. Those of you who are brave enough ought to ask for it in your favorite bookstore so that they will hear of it and want to stock it be- cause of the demand that you will help create by your asking. If they should have it and you don't need it because you've already gotten it from me, just smile and say that you didn't want to buy it but only wanted to know if they stocked it because you knew a TV that wanted to buy it. Your request will help build the demand and as more stores stock it more of our sisters will find it and come out of the woodwork which eventually makes more friends for you in your own area.
III. CLIPSHEET # 24: This item is also out and available. For the benefit of newer readers, this is a compilation and offset reproduction of all the clippings that are sent in to me concerning TV or any interesting items related to cross dressing. I don't however clutter it up with reports of the num- ber of bank robberies etc. that are done by males in dresses. However, if you like to collect scrap book. materials this is the way. Current issue is $1.50 and back issues are 50¢ each when bought at least 6 at a time. I am already out of some of the earlier issues and do not have too many of some others as I don't print as many Clipsheets as TVias. So if you are interested better get with it.
IV. CORRESPONDENCE AGAIN: As I've said before, I'd love to write answers to all of you but it is physic- ally impossible so don't be hurt as some have been by not getting a reply. Specific questions on a post card that can be answered yes or no or a date I can return easily but letters I can only handle when time permits and it usually doesn't. I wish I could per- suade the newer readers to buy the early issues be-